Lifelong Hearing
We want to guide you through the magnificent world of human hearing and share with you the tips and tricks for preventing hearing loss, but also to show you different hearing solutions. Read our magazine and discover inspiring stories of hearing implant users, interviews with doctors, explore the science behind different hearing solutions… and much more!

DREAM – The Story of Lara
The Story of Lara
High school graduate Lara Walzer from Austria was fitted with cochlear implants as a baby and is passionate about playing soccer.
Lara received cochlear implants during her first year of life. Since then, she has navigated her journey with happiness and determination, recently graduating from high school.

Explore the world of
hearing implants!
This unique movie experiment brings together 17 young cochlear implant users from different countries around the world. They talk about everyday life and reinterpret life details in their own, deeply personal way.
Cooperation against hearing loss 80 percent of people with moderate to severe hearing
What will my cochlear implant sound like? Since the first cochlear implantation in
MED-EL presents SONNET 3: a waterproof BTE audio processor for cochlear implants Smaller,
An interview with Martin Ďuriška, a CI user from Slovakia Martin Ďuriška describes
New data confirm: Hearing care lowers the risk of dementia New data confirms
Cochlear implants and cycling helmets are compatible! It was important for Kurt Gregor
Tips for enjoying music with and without a cochlear implant Most people really
At the EURO-CIU 2024 symposium in Vienna, six teenagers and young adults gave an insight into their everyday lives with CI. As they were implanted as early as possible and well supervised, they live a fully inclusive life and pursue academic careers - just like their peers with normal hearing!
Hearing loss has a significant impact on life and is recognized as a health risk factor. It even shortens the lifespan of those affected.
Crete, the largest of the Greek islands, is not only known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich history dating back to ancient times, but also for its diverse audio experiences.
CI users in Slovakia celebrate leading CI surgeons Thanks to the initiative of
Why is early diagnosis and timely provision of cochlear implants for Usher syndrome so
Football's invisible dimension: hearing Bouncing balls and cheering crowds, from the pitch to
CI-therapy with musical elements - a speech therapist's point of view The 14th
Mezigenerační trénink slyšení s CI pomocí Tonieboxu Johann Reithmayer používá k tréninku sluchu
Hearing training with tiptoi® for one-sided deaf children with cochlear implants Modern streaming
Why MRI Safety is important MRI is a very common medical procedure for both
Introducing soccer player and bilateral CI user Lara Walzer Lara Walzer - a
What is the Ling Six Sound Test? When you or your child start
What a CI user posts on Instagram about her cochlear implant Julia Praher
Free music-based hearing training for CI users MED-EL provides all MED-EL hearing system
Raising awareness of hearing loss together with the Hearing Health Forum EU The
Why hearing is simply indispensable for sports! With the exception of a few
Special exhibition to mark 150 years of the Vienna ENT Clinic at the Medical
The venue for this year's EURO-CIU Symposium is Vienna! This year, CIA is
Többgenerációs CI hallásgyakorlatok a Toniebox segítségével Johann Reithmayer unokái játékát használja a hallás
Auditory Brainstem Implant ABI: Hearing after an acoustic neuroma MED-EL introduced its first
World Congress for Music Therapy in Vancouver From July 24 to 29, 2023,
The future of cochlear implantation with the surgical team at the Universitätsklinik Wien
Personalized medicine: suitable CI electrodes for everyone! It can take up to three
Cochlear implant for a toddler: the early days according to parents Little Julia
Young inventiveness among CI users in Austria Seven-year-old Chiara knows exactly how to
Intergenerational CI hearing training with the Toniebox Johann Reithmayer uses his grandchildren's toys
The CIA Summer Days 2023 - the year before the big anniversary The
Tips for parents on how to deal with their child's cochlear implant Respectful
How can parents prepare their child for cochlear implantation? The decision to have
Why a Surgeon Chose a MED-EL Cochlear Implant When Jason's hearing loss started
Which bicycle or motorcycle helmet is suitable for hearing implant users? For users
Cochlear implant: more than just audio-verbal communication Recent studies show: Hearing environmental sounds
Cochlear implant secures job and prevents burnout Hearing impairments have a variety of
About the Art of Hearing - in Painting, Medicine and Cochlear Implant Technology
What hearing and cochlear implants have to do with social intelligence. In everyday
The audio processors SONNET and SONNET 2 for cochlear implants are now compatible with
Cytomegalovirus: most common cause of congenital, non-inherited, progressive hearing loss. One of the
From the First Viennese Medical School to Cochlear Implantation Two significant medical schools,
Kā mēs aizsargājamies no trokšņa - pat ar dzirdes aparātiem vai dzirdes implantiem
Festivali i Muzikës SOUND SENSATION – Të dëgjosh dhe të bësh muzikë me implantet
"Having a cochlear implant in my deaf ear has definitely made my life easier!"
EURO-CIU General Assembly & Symposium 2022 in Rotterdam On November 11 and 12,
Wien.Hören - Listening to the variety of sounds in the cosmopolitan city of Vienna
MED-EL Vienna celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. gehört.gelesen spoke with DI Ewald Thurner,
More lobbying and engagement by and for cochlear implant users Robert Mandara, Vice
The SOUND SENSATION Music Festival - Listening to music and making music with modern
How we protect ourselves from noise - even with hearing aids or hearing implants
Cochlear implants help after sudden total hearing loss Without a traceable trigger, the
An Open Call for Artistic CI-youth! WaveforMe is an artistic project dedicated to
This kindergarten teacher is really sensitive to the topic of hearing problems in her pupils, as she herself is hearing impaired on one side and got implanted as a teenager.
On the beauty of life and dealing with limitations and pain Not only
Dr Christian Schmidt MBA, a father of a child with a CI, describes which factors were decisive for him and his wife when choosing a CI system for their daughter.
Hearing training with a cochlear implant: do you know why it is important?
Excessive use of smartphones by mothers of young children can impair, among other things, the linguistic and communicative development of the affected children.
Here are the top tips and explanation what to expect while you are recovering from cochlear implant surgery.
What it is that makes cochlear implants reliable?
If you take a tour through Innsbruck´s AUDIOVERSUM, you will have the opportunity to enjoy and experience hearing in a completely different way.
A 41-year-old Andreas Sondergeld was implanted with a CI on one side at the age of 26.
As Octavia Carnuntina, she deals with different historical period in her role-play games, as a costume dresser and in Playmobile theater. As Andrea Höller, she usually travels around Great Britain, with her two cochlear implants.
When new parents receive the diagnosis "profound hearing loss" in their child, they are usually shocked. But thanks to the latest medical technology and cochlear implants, there is a solution for it!
How to travel to exotic countries with a cochlear implant?
A CI user Max Breynck shares his tips on traveling with a cochlear implant with us!
The results with hearing implants and with conventional hearing aids are constantly improving and the limits of use of these different systems are in a constant change.
How well the school will go for children with cochlear implants depends on several factors. The persistence of the parents is one of them.
While university professor Dr.Florian Eibensteiner was suffering from unilateral deafness which resulted from mumps disease, one of his former students was developing better connection options for CI audio processors.
Hearing loss can make a lasting impact on the quality of life and even trigger depression. Adequate hearing aids or hearing implants can help and counteract this. A recent study from the UK shows even a previously unknown economic correlation.
After a rare disease called neurofibromatoses that affected her hearing, Elena-Daniela Nistor can hear again thanks to a brainstem implant.
International virtual art gallery for youth with CI and hearing aids The project
On the last day of the Austrian ENT Congress, in September 2021 in Innsbruck, the focus was on the medium-term and distant future of hearing rehabilitation.
The effects of a cold on hearing, with or without a cochlear implant
With the current generation of Samsung smartphones, you can talk on the phone or listen to music with both ears at the same time - even if you hear with a cochlear implant on one and a hearing aid on the other side!
For almost six years now, Philipp uses a BONEBRIDGE bone conduction implant in his left ear. Recently, he even uses bone conduction for music in his healthy ear.
After health problems, mental training has not only helped Mag. Peter Kmetyko return to the top with his bike, but it has also helped him cope better with hearing problems and learn to live with his BONEBRIDGE implant.
Dr. Ruth Zöhrer studied medicine and has a PhD in biology. Today, she is involved in studies that measure, among other things, how hearing implants affect the quality of life of the CI users.
Patrick Beganovic recalls of his daughter Maja's diagnosis - profound hearing loss. Thanks to cochlear implantation at the Linz University Hospital, the family is now happy to hear Maja's first words.
Many people feel dizzy after taking a ride on a carousel. But what are the other causes behind this feeling and what it all has to do with ears?
In September, the first robot-assisted cochlear implantation in the German-speaking area took place in Vienna.
We focus on the town of Bethleem at the turn of each year. However, we do not know much about life with hearing loss in Palestine.
Functionality and attractive design of visible parts of cochlear implants help the acceptance of hearing aids, making it easier for the affected to live with it and for the candidates to make their decision.
Reading and writing are focal points of elementary school and the basis of later education.
A 7-year old Jakob Ratz is an enthusiastic sportsman, who also enjoys going to school. His BONEBRIDGE ensures that he is fully involved in both situations.
For over 30 years, MED-EL is an internationally renowned example of synthesis of research and development in medical technology. A new compendium provides an exciting overview of the most important research areas of the company.
Deaf people were also among those affected by the attacks on New York's World Trade Center on 09/11, 2001, while some other survivors lost their hearing as a result of the events.
Dnes budeme mluvit o jádru výroby kochleárních implantátů: o vývoji implantátů. Odborníci nám vysvětlí, jak se kochleární implantáty vyvíjejí.
امروز از قلب تولید کاشت حلزون گوش صحبت میکنیم: توسعهی ایمپلنت. کارشناسان نحوهی توسعهی ایمپلنت حلزون گوش را توضیح میدهند.
Ljudima sa slušnim implantom često je neophodna pomoć kada su u bolnici ili u nekoj drugoj zdravstvenoj instituciji. Saznajte više o ranoj i dobroj pripremi.
Az elmúlt évek során társadalmunkban megváltozott az anyai és az apai szerepek megosztása. Ennek ellenére a halláskárosodással élő gyerekek Kezdeti Támogatásában az édesapák erősségeire még mindig nem támaszkodunk eléggé.
Scientific evidence managed to cofirm that it was possible to understand speech with a cochlear implant flawlessly. But the question "HOW naturally do the users hear?" remained unanswered.
In order to listen to music with better sound quality, Karl-Heinz Fuchs even gave up five percent speech intelligibility when setting the TEMPO+ processor.
Today we are talking from the heart of production of Cochlear Implants: the Implant Development. The experts expain how cochlear implants are developed.
The distribution of mother and father roles has changed in our society in recent years. However, the strengths of fathers are still not sufficiently used in the early support of children with hearing impairment.
A new speech processor - the SAMBA 2 has been available for users of the VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE and BONEBRIDGE implants since last year. Musician and dad Moritz Scharf has tried out the processor and is thrilled.
Tahlita from South Africa spent the best day of her life right in the middle of the Corona-crisis. Her mother Bianca Birdsey explains how it happened.
FCEI, the Network for Family-Centred Early Intervention, has been online since February and is also talking about surprising effects of the pandemic on families.
For the first hearing training, it is often enough to use everyday sounds and child´s body as a sound source, rather than instruments or toys.
Manufacturers of cochlear implants are announcing many innovations for the next few years. On the other hand, users' requests seem almost modest: simple audio accessories and more focus on music.
There are many reasons why medical professionals want to get the inner pictures of their patients' organs. But, the users of MED-EL hearing implants are well prepared for this!
Every hearing implant user should inform the medical team before the MRI about the type of implant, as this gives enough time for proper preparation.
Find out more on how cochlear implants can relieve persistent ear noise (tinnitus) in single-sided hearing loss.
Read the stories from the bilateral CI users and their personal experience and comparison of cochlear implants.
One of the greatest composers of all times, Ludwig van Beethoven experienced severe hearing problems which led to complete deafness. Could modern medicine help him hear again?
Why reading is important for children with hearing implants. Acquiring written language paves the way for affected children to read.
People with hearing implants often need help when they are in the hospital or in nursing home. Find out more on early and good preparation.
Knowledge and good education are very important for people with hearing implants for a better life success.
COVID-19 infection can impact the lives and hearing of those affected. Two people describe their experience.
New program for MED-EL cochlear implants called MAESTRO 9.0 improves fidelity and enhances user hearing experience.
Austrian company MED-EL proudly presents many innovations in hearing implants as well as their use for customers.
Wireless streaming will be possible for all SONNET users – with no other accessories. It is made possible by a special case for the battery compartment: AudioStream.
Cochlear Implant Audio processor RONDO 3 combines simple handling and wireless battery operation of the single-unit audio processor with innovative, state of the art sound processing.
MED-EL became the first manufacturer of hearing implants in the world to be certified according to the new EU medical products regulations in March 2020.
Where different hearing devices are used on each side, we speak of bimodal hearing.
SAMBA 2 learns independently what settings you prefer in various hearing situations and sets itself automatically to them.
US nurse Alley Mason works in the intensive care department of a clinic in Texas and is a cochlear implant user.
A brief biography of Walter Auer, solo flautist with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
What would cinema be without Ennio Morricone? The film world has been asking that since his first film composition in 1961.
Direct effects of the Corona virus on ability to hear are the subject of controversial discussion by experts.
With the new application AudioKey, users can control their MED-EL SONNET or SONNET 2 directly from their smartphone.
It is not just cognitive or emotional impairments that can influence the development of social skills, hearing ability also plays a part in that.
MED-EL introduced a new implant, the BCI602 which is available since the end of 2019.
What is life at a distance actually like for people with hearing impairments?
Many hearing-impaired people use lip-reading for communication - the obligatory mouth and nose masks are a barrier.
Cochlear implants for single-sided deafness are promising for adults and children alike
Even users who received their first cochlear implant years ago may benefit from bilateral implantation.
An insight into why binaural hearing and music complement each other, lead to better speech understanding and why together is better than alone.
To reach maximum benefit with a second cochlear implant, users should pursue regular training, like they did with their first CI.
Brigitte is so satisfied with her cochlear implant that she now wants one for her other ear. It was not always like this.
Sabine Weinberger-Pramendorfer is extremely satisfied cochlear implant user and wants to encourage candidates to go for it.
For seven years, 13-year-old Valentin from Austria could only hear in one ear. While his hearing loss remained undetected for a long time...
Hobby musician Walter Widler (CI user) talks about his life-long passion for music.
The ability to hear with both ears is a duplication with a back-up. Users expect their implant to be reliable and safe - bilateral users expect that twice as much.
Our second ear is more than just a backup for our hearing: it significantly facilitates our everyday life. This is why experts call for hearing restoration in both ears.
For people with single-sided deafness various hearing solutions are available. The results from a study of the Upper Austrian Hospital Wels-Grieskirchen may help you make a choice.
About half the cochlear implant (CI) recipients use a hearing aid in the other ear. To ensure that these two different hearing systems work together well, the CI needs to replicate natural hearing.
Cochlear implants are designed to help develop these essential everyday life abilities in people with unilateral hearing loss.
AudioLink is a wireless all-rounder that makes enjoying music with cochlear implants more comfortable.
There are many historic personalities and celebrities who experienced hearing impairment and deafness.
The interaction between music and hearing ability and why music should be used more discerningly.
Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love
When parents accompany their child born deaf on their journey to hearing.
By choosing a cochlear implant as a solution for their deaf child, the parents open the door to a world of sound for their child, paving the way to barrier-free education and ultimately enabling them to live a happy, promising and independent life.

Hearing Solutions
All ears are unique – seek the perfect solution for yourself! Different types of hearing loss are treated with different hearing solutions.
Hear the experience
Want to hear the advice and exchange experience directly with the hearing implant users? Find an answer to any hearing question!
Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a sign of a disfunction in some part of the ear, which then prevents the sound wave at some stage to continue its journey! Learn more about the possible solutions for any case.