Hearing loss in the elderly
The risk of hearing loss generally increases with age and according to WHO data, it affects over 25% of those older than 60 years. It can be gradual or sudden and affects one or both ears. Presbycusis stands for hearing loss related to aging and is typically a kind of sensorineural hearing loss. It can be affected by many different factors, such as chronic diseases, smoking, genetics, frequent infections, alcohol, accidents etc. Although it is not life-threatening, hearing loss can significantly impact the affected person´s quality of life, thereby causing many other problems.

How to detect hearing loss in adults
It is important to recognize hearing loss early and to start acting before it gets worse as hearing loss impacts the quality of life significantly and as it can lead to many additional problems, such as depression and dementia. If you notice that you may have a hearing problem or your hearing problems affects your everyday life, consult the ENT specialist. See the list of typical symptoms of hearing loss below:
Signs of hearing loss in older people
How to prevent hearing loss?
Hearing loss is not the end – check out possible hearing solutions!
Hearing loss in adults can be successfully treated with modern hearing solutions – hearing aids and hearing implants. Depending on the degree and type of hearing loss, the ideal solution is individual. Explore different possibilities for treatment of hearing loss on our platform.