Hearing loss has a significant impact on life and is recognized as a health risk factor. It even shortens the lifespan of those affected.
CI-therapy with musical elements - a speech therapist's point of view The 14th
Hearing training with tiptoi® for one-sided deaf children with cochlear implants Modern streaming
Free music-based hearing training for CI users MED-EL provides all MED-EL hearing system
Raising awareness of hearing loss together with the Hearing Health Forum EU The
The venue for this year's EURO-CIU Symposium is Vienna! This year, CIA is
Tips for parents on how to deal with their child's cochlear implant Respectful
How can parents prepare their child for cochlear implantation? The decision to have
Cochlear implant secures job and prevents burnout Hearing impairments have a variety of
Cytomegalovirus: most common cause of congenital, non-inherited, progressive hearing loss. One of the
EURO-CIU General Assembly & Symposium 2022 in Rotterdam On November 11 and 12,
How we protect ourselves from noise - even with hearing aids or hearing implants
Cochlear implants help after sudden total hearing loss Without a traceable trigger, the
Here are the top tips and explanation what to expect while you are recovering from cochlear implant surgery.
When new parents receive the diagnosis "profound hearing loss" in their child, they are usually shocked. But thanks to the latest medical technology and cochlear implants, there is a solution for it!
Hearing loss can make a lasting impact on the quality of life and even trigger depression. Adequate hearing aids or hearing implants can help and counteract this. A recent study from the UK shows even a previously unknown economic correlation.
The effects of a cold on hearing, with or without a cochlear implant
Many people feel dizzy after taking a ride on a carousel. But what are the other causes behind this feeling and what it all has to do with ears?
The distribution of mother and father roles has changed in our society in recent years. However, the strengths of fathers are still not sufficiently used in the early support of children with hearing impairment.
FCEI, the Network for Family-Centred Early Intervention, has been online since February and is also talking about surprising effects of the pandemic on families.
For the first hearing training, it is often enough to use everyday sounds and child´s body as a sound source, rather than instruments or toys.
There are many reasons why medical professionals want to get the inner pictures of their patients' organs. But, the users of MED-EL hearing implants are well prepared for this!
Every hearing implant user should inform the medical team before the MRI about the type of implant, as this gives enough time for proper preparation.
Read the stories from the bilateral CI users and their personal experience and comparison of cochlear implants.
One of the greatest composers of all times, Ludwig van Beethoven experienced severe hearing problems which led to complete deafness. Could modern medicine help him hear again?
People with hearing implants often need help when they are in the hospital or in nursing home. Find out more on early and good preparation.
COVID-19 infection can impact the lives and hearing of those affected. Two people describe their experience.
Direct effects of the Corona virus on ability to hear are the subject of controversial discussion by experts.
Cochlear implants for single-sided deafness are promising for adults and children alike
Even users who received their first cochlear implant years ago may benefit from bilateral implantation.
An insight into why binaural hearing and music complement each other, lead to better speech understanding and why together is better than alone.
To reach maximum benefit with a second cochlear implant, users should pursue regular training, like they did with their first CI.
The interaction between music and hearing ability and why music should be used more discerningly.