Science of Hearing Implants
There is always great news in the development and research around cochlear implants: Technological innovations, studies and research findings – read interesting scientific articles on hearing implant systems here!
The sound of cochlear implants: neither mickey mouse nor robotic voice!
What will my cochlear implant sound like? Since
SONNET 3 – an “all-round woofer for the ear”
MED-EL presents SONNET 3: a waterproof BTE audio processor
Slovakia & 30 years of cochlear implantation
CI users in Slovakia celebrate leading CI surgeons
The importance of early diagnosis for Usher syndrome
Why is early diagnosis and timely provision of cochlear
From Goal to Ear
Football's invisible dimension: hearing Bouncing balls and cheering
Secret weapon for sports: hearing
Why hearing is simply indispensable for sports! With
Hearing, even without an auditory nerve
Auditory Brainstem Implant ABI: Hearing after an acoustic neuroma
Music Therapy and Cochlear Implants
World Congress for Music Therapy in Vancouver From
Dynamic, clinical, scientifically sound
The future of cochlear implantation with the surgical team
Sound fidelity with CI – even for XL ears!
Personalized medicine: suitable CI electrodes for everyone! It
Hearing noises with cochlear implant: for safety and quality of life
Cochlear implant: more than just audio-verbal communication Recent
“Our brain is not a computer!”
What hearing and cochlear implants have to do with
MED-EL goes Amazon Fire TV!
The audio processors SONNET and SONNET 2 for cochlear
Vienna – Listening to the City with MED-EL
Wien.Hören - Listening to the variety of sounds in
MED-EL Vienna celebrates round birthday!
MED-EL Vienna celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. gehört.gelesen
Better lobbying for cochlear implant users
More lobbying and engagement by and for cochlear implant
Hearing training with a cochlear implant: why, where and how?
Hearing training with a cochlear implant: do you know why it is important?
Social Media and Language Development
Excessive use of smartphones by mothers of young children can impair, among other things, the linguistic and communicative development of the affected children.
Recall versus Reliability
What it is that makes cochlear implants reliable?
Hearing aid or hearing implant?
The results with hearing implants and with conventional hearing aids are constantly improving and the limits of use of these different systems are in a constant change.