Can a cold affect your hearing?
Tatjana Kamenica2022-02-16T14:08:05+01:00The effects of a cold on hearing, with or without a cochlear implant
The effects of a cold on hearing, with or without a cochlear implant
Tahlita from South Africa spent the best day of her life right in the middle of the Corona-crisis. Her mother Bianca Birdsey explains how it happened.
FCEI, the Network for Family-Centred Early Intervention, has been online since February and is also talking about surprising effects of the pandemic on families.
COVID-19 infection can impact the lives and hearing of those affected. Two people describe their experience.
Direct effects of the Corona virus on ability to hear are the subject of controversial discussion by experts.
What is life at a distance actually like for people with hearing impairments?
Many hearing-impaired people use lip-reading for communication - the obligatory mouth and nose masks are a barrier.