Wien.Hören – Listening to the variety of sounds in the cosmopolitan city of Vienna thanks to MED-EL
What millions of visitors to Vienna have been enthusiastic about has been confirmed for years now by Mercer’s international comparative study: Vienna is and remains the most livable city in the world! This is also due to the excellent healthcare system and – as some people know – the hearing implant manufacturer MED-EL, whose Vienna branch is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.

Vienna has always had a lot to offer. What many may not realize is that there is perhaps more to hear in this city steeped in history than in many other metropolises: For example, Vienna is the city of music, and a visit to the opera, a sophisticated concert evening or a light-hearted musical is an absolute must for visitors and residents alike. The musical offerings in Vienna are virtually endless.
Art wherever you look and listen
The Liechtenstein Garden Palace, located in the historic center, offers a special treat: the Vienna Hofburg Orchestra regularly plays from its classical repertoire in Vienna's largest secular baroque hall. The so-called Hercules Hall with Andrea Pozzi's famous ceiling fresco is part of Vienna's UNESCO World Heritage Site and a magnificent setting for the concerts of the renowned orchestra. Directly above the hall is the MED-EL Vienna branch, which is always happy to be inspired by the wonderful sounds in the Palais. The ZENTRUM HÖREN service center, which is located on the garden grounds, also recommends that its customers attend these beautiful concerts.
Culturally, in addition to music, there is a more than diverse offer - the choice of theatrical institutions is huge, museums are available for all art periods, styles and tastes. Probably the most famous, and in any case the most visited, museum in Vienna is the Belvedere, which combines its three locations with a spectacular garden. The beauty of this Baroque jewel is owed to the general Prince Eugene of Savoy, who had it built as his summer residence 300 years ago. Thus, the castle complex is also celebrating an anniversary this year, albeit a somewhat more advanced one. In any case, you can listen daily to the tourist hustle and bustle - the house has up to 6,000 visitors a day - that surrounds the famous exhibition venue.

What to hear in the heart of the city
The city center, located in the immediate vicinity, invites special listening experiences: The clatter of hooves of the Fiaker horses is as much a part of Vienna as the ringing of the Pummerin, the famous church bell of St. Stephen's Cathedral and the sixth largest swinging bell in the world. It traditionally rings in the New Year in the Old Town.
On the busy shopping streets you can hear tourists speaking in languages from all over the world and you quickly get used to the grumpy, but then in some way charming tone of the head waiter in one of the numerous coffee houses, which is well known for Vienna. In Vienna's city center, there is an ideal location for every age group to end the day - from the famous wine bar of the Schwarzer Kameel, which is popular with prominent Viennese, to the open-air dance floor of the Volksgarten Club. In recent years, the generations have mixed in many places, and you can spend the evening chatting or dancing with people of all ages. This is refreshing, and when you consider that in 20 years the proportion of people with hearing loss in urban areas will be over 50 percent, good hearing care will not only make this possible (again) for many, but also give them a new quality of life.
Vienna, the capital of Austria, is located in the east of the country on the Danube River. Its artistic and intellectual heritage has been shaped by residents such as Mozart, Beethoven and Sigmund Freud.
The city is also known for its numerous palaces, including the largest free-standing garden palace in Liechtenstein. In addition to the MED-EL branch Vienna, it houses the princely library, outstanding works from the collection of the Prince of Liechtenstein, and the most expensive piece of furniture in the world, the baroque Badminton Cabinet.
Vienna and the sounds of nature
Even if you love the hustle and bustle of the city, sometimes you still want to switch off and enjoy the peace and quiet. This can be done especially well in nature, of which Vienna is surrounded directly and all around. The creation of Vienna's green belt was decided about 100 years ago under Mayor Karl Lueger in order to provide the city's residents with sufficient recreational areas. To this day, the green belt policy is strictly adhered to and Viennese residents as well as tourists are happy to be able to use the surroundings around the city in their leisure time. Even if you are only a few minutes drive away from the city, mostly geographically even still in the urban area - you can only hear the typical sounds of the forest and the meadows: The singing of the birds in the treetops, the rustling of the leaves, the cracking of the branches under your feet.
If, after an extensive walk through the Vienna Woods, you have had enough of the relaxing peace and quiet, you can finish off with a visit to one of the many wine taverns, most of which are located in the vineyards and from whose terraces you can look out over the city. Here's to a cosmopolitan city - with many sounds to remember, and with the branch of a company that cares for residents in need of hearing care in an unparalleled way.