Wireless streaming for CI Users
AudioLink is a wireless all-rounder that makes enjoying music with cochlear implants more comfortable.

When I am chatting with young people, I hardly dare ask where they get their music from – records and CDs have been passé for a long time; today, music is “streamed” and “downloaded.” They often use headphones for listening. But with hearing aids or audio processors, that is not always so easy. The headphones must be large enough to sit directly over the microphone of the audio processor and must not slip.
There is now the new AudioLink for SONNET and SONNET 2 from MED-EL which enables wireless listening for CI users and is more discreet than the trendiest Bluetooth insert earphones.
The small AudioLink can be paired with one or two SONNET or SONNET 2 processors. On the other side, the music arrives in the AudioLink via wires den. Wireless connection to the processor is possible via the most recent Bluetooth technology.
AudioLink instead of Headphones
Of course, it is not just music that can be enjoyed directly and without distortion- like via headphones – but also the latest podcast or a favourite series on Spotify. For those who prefer to watch a conventional television, there is even a special docking station for the AudioLink. The AudioLink feeds the sound directly into the audio processors on both sides. The user can choose for him or herself whether ambient sounds in the surroundings can be heard damped in the background or whether they want to listen to the music or the film only. The sound is in either case clearer and easier to understand, as CI user Morgan confirms “it sounds as though the TV presenters were right next to me. I haven’t needed subtitles since I have been using the AudioLink.”
It is also possible to transmit music wirelessly from a smartphone via special music applications in the AudioLink: for example, with Blue2Car for Apple devices or BTmono for Android systems. This uses smartphone data transfer specially developed for telephone calls. High notes are however suppressed, so even with music, you have to manage without frequencies above 3500 Hertz if you listen via such apps. By contrast, full music listening pleasure is ensured with a wired connection to the AudioLink from the music source, or as Arnold from Germany enthuses, “a sound where even the drummer in a rock band can be appreciated properly!”
The AudioLink – the All-Rounder when Listening
The AudioLink offers a fully functional hands-free system for SONNET and SONNET 2 with built-in microphone with which the user can also accept or refuse calls. The smartphone itself is only needed for dialling, otherwise it can be left in the pocket safely when speaking on the telephone.
As a bonus, the AudioLink can also be used as a wireless remote microphone. Of course, the AudioLink cannot compete with an extensive FM system for several students; however, in meetings or presentations, it can be particularly useful as a microphone if it is positioned with the presenter or in the centre of the meeting table. Michael, a father, has also found an unusual use for the AudioLink – “if I am somewhere else in the house, I give it to my children and if they need me, they can speak into it.”
For Good Sound Quality
As when using modern FM systems, transfer by AudioLink and audio processor requires more energy than the energy supplied to the audio processor. This becomes noticeable if the AudioLink is used as wireless headphones more or less continuously. Therefore, we recommend ensuring clean contacts in the transfer to the battery compartment and always using the standard batteries in combination with the AudioLink. If the AudioLink is only used occasionally for telephone calls, this will, of course, not have a significant impact on the battery life.
Users of a RONDO or RONDO 2 single-unit audio processor can continue to listen to music and telephone calls wirelessly via induction systems such as the ARTONE 3 MAX neck-loop. The new AudioLink is also available to users of SONNET and SONNET 2. A young music fan describes the AudioLink “the sound quality is really good!”