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About Tatjana Kamenica

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So far Tatjana Kamenica has created 398 blog entries.

With cochlear implant design against stigma


Functionality and attractive design of visible parts of cochlear implants help the acceptance of hearing aids, making it easier for the affected to live with it and for the candidates to make their decision.

With cochlear implant design against stigma2022-01-21T11:18:52+01:00

Hearing implants – made in Austria


For over 30 years, MED-EL is an internationally renowned example of synthesis of research and development in medical technology. A new compendium provides an exciting overview of the most important research areas of the company.

Hearing implants – made in Austria2021-12-02T16:46:49+01:00

9/11 and hearing loss


Deaf people were also among those affected by the attacks on New York's World Trade Center on 09/11, 2001, while some other survivors lost their hearing as a result of the events.

9/11 and hearing loss2021-10-27T15:24:16+02:00

توسعه‌ی ایمپلنت حلزون گوش


امروز از قلب تولید کاشت حلزون گوش صحبت می‌کنیم: توسعه‌ی ایمپلنت. کارشناسان نحوه‌ی توسعه‌ی ایمپلنت حلزون گوش را توضیح می‌دهند.

توسعه‌ی ایمپلنت حلزون گوش2021-08-13T09:30:08+02:00

Az édesapák szerepe a korai fejlesztésben


Az elmúlt évek során társadalmunkban megváltozott az anyai és az apai szerepek megosztása. Ennek ellenére a halláskárosodással élő gyerekek Kezdeti Támogatásában az édesapák erősségeire még mindig nem támaszkodunk eléggé.

Az édesapák szerepe a korai fejlesztésben2021-08-11T21:59:54+02:00

Hearing with a Cochlear Implant


Scientific evidence managed to cofirm that it was possible to understand speech with a cochlear implant flawlessly. But the question "HOW naturally do the users hear?" remained unanswered.

Hearing with a Cochlear Implant2021-12-02T15:54:05+01:00
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